As I look towards the 365 unwritten pages of 2023, I’m filled with a sense of new beginnings, heartbreaking endings, and limitless new possibilities. As many know, I’m anticipating that in June I’ll be passing the torch of my beloved Sir Arthur Currie PS onto the next most fortunate leader as I step away from my role as principal. My heart begins to beat faster even as I type those words, as putting my plans in print make them that much more real. Being granted the opportunity to open a new school and support it’s phenomenal first six years has been an amazing journey. I can’t even begin to imagine what my last day will look like.
Knowing that I have only 6 more months with this incredibly special school community has inspired me to select TIME as my #oneword for 2023. I want to ensure that I’m dedicating as much time as possible to those components of my profession that bring me joy:
Time with our staff ~ celebrating successes (both personal and professional), challenging theories, and connecting in constructive conversations
Time with our students ~ watching them learn, wondering what their future holds and wishing them success and a sense of accomplishment.
Time with my colleagues ~ learning from them, listening to their narratives and laughing with them (lots of laughter)
Time with our school community ~ expressing my appreciation for their years of support, embracing their diversity and all that they have taught me over the years and encouraging them to open their hearts and minds to the incoming principal
As I look to my world post June 30th, I’m excited (and to be honest nervous and unsure) about how I’ll fill my days. I have no doubt it will include more intentional time for family, friends, and festivities.
Would love to know your #oneword for 2023.
Come write with me….