I Told Two Friends and so on….

Day 8

big 100 This past week, I published my 100th post  “Stop Pretending #MakeSchoolDifferent”, as I  accepted the challenge from Doug Peterson to  continue this meme.  As a part of this blogging thread, I tagged 5 colleagues and challenged them to create their own list of five suggestions and to tag others.  Throughout the week I have enjoyed reading my colleagues’ innovative ideas and have been encouraged to “stop pretending” on a number of factors involved in our work.  I appreciated the learning from each post, but I could never have anticipated the other outcome of Post #100!

As I’ve shared in past posts, one of my challenges continues to be, “Who is my audience”?  I started this blog as an extension of my monthly newsletter as a school principal, but then it continued to morph into a landing spot for various ponderings within the broader world of education.

Lately my challenge has expanded to not only “Who” but to “Why”.  A colleague recently shared that she felt that blogging was a self-indulgent exercise which provided the writer with a personal platform for posturing. Yikes….That was never my intent, but I had yet to see any evidence that my posts were making a difference.

All of that changed with Post #100.  Within the last few days, as a result of my tagging or the tagging of those who were tagged as a result of my initial tag (like the old Faberge commercial ~ I told two friends and so on and so on) I am thrilled that others have not only taken on the challenge of generating a list, but have started their own blog.  When I think about my role in education and what I’d like my legacy to be, it has and always will be supporting others to demonstrate their leadership.  I feel strongly that today’s educational leaders need to make their thinking visible and what better way than to publish their thoughts for others to read and comment on.  These new bloggers have shared their “fear” about hitting that publish button, but they did it and I’m so proud of them.


Now, my next challenge is to find a way to  nurture and support them as they continue to  think, write and hit the publish button.  How cool will it be when they can share the impact of their 100th post?

Have you thought about starting a blog?

Come write with me….